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  • Where is Alexa's Piano Lessons located?
    Our piano studio is located in Ahwatukee next to Arrivederci starting August 5th, 2024. Our address is 4221 E Chandler Blvd Phoenix AZ 85048.
  • How much do weekly piano lessons cost?
    60 minute weekly lessons (private piano with lab time) is a flat rate of $140 a month billed on autopay the last day of each month.
  • How does the lab room work with piano classes?
    Our piano lessons (ages 6+) are set up to have three students come every hour. One student in the private room and the other two in the lab room. The students rotate so everyone sees the teacher privately and spends time in the lab room. Our lab room has many different activities including games, worksheets, composition, improvisation, music listening, etc. Students are assigned what to do in the lab room and are invited to work independently or with their lab partner.
  • Can I drop off my child during piano classes, or should I stay?
    You can do either one depending on what you and your child is comfortable with! But for most students I recommend dropping off to give the students more of a private experience and allows students to learn independently as they act different when their parents are around.
  • How much should my child be practicing the piano?
    We suggest beginning piano students ages 6-7 to practice at least 10 minutes daily. Beginning students aged 8 and older are to practice at least 15 minutes daily. More experienced students should practice at least 20 minutes daily. Of course, if the student is not progressing enough with that amount of practice we would suggest more practice than that. It also depends on the student as well so we're not strict on the number of minutes they are practicing.
  • Do we need to bring our piano books every lesson?
    Yes! We specifically use the student's books to write customized notes in there. We use the books to keep track of the songs/pieces they've finished (with a sticker). Plus there are written pages in there that we need to check in person.
  • Does a keyboard work for piano lessons?
    Of course! We recommend to have an 88-key weighted keyboard at home for long-term practice at home allowing the child to play dynamics. For short-term we understand feeling weary about purchasing a higher-end keyboard for a beginner. We offer keyboard rentals at just $20 a month as long as you need it! Your child can also start off with a non-weighted keyboard for the first year before upgrading as we understand the upfront costs of keyboards.
  • What if my child gets distracted in the lab room?
    Even though the piano teacher will be in a different room teaching another student while your child is in the lab room, we have methods to ensure your child is staying focused. 1) We ensure they are doing activities they are interested in. This alone can make all the difference in ensuring quality lab time. 2) Your teacher has a window to look through from their private lessons to make sure they are staying on task. 3) If your child has a question for us, they are welcome to knock on the door and questions usually take about a minute to answer. 4) Some of our groups may have two teachers teaching their own students at the same time. Since there would be additional students in the lab room we assign a dedicated TA to guide them and help as needed.
  • Do you teach adults how to play the piano?
    We now offer piano lessons for adult students (beginning and intermediate) with different plans depending on your schedule whether that's once a week lessons or to schedule on-the-go!
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